Energy Healing, Awakening Qi, Spiritual Massage
There are different types of energy healing, Reiki, Polarity Therapy, Qigong, Spiritual Healing Hands. All of these have there unique ways of restore the body to balance the energy inside. When your energy is in balance, it can automatically eliminate diseases and health issues. You will feel warm energies flowing through your body to help you relax and rebalance any area of the body that is off.
I perform my unique style to this as you can get just a Energy Session on the Massage Table or in a warm swimming pool. Both of these have its unique feelings:
The one done on the massage table is the normal for doing Reiki and Polarity Therapy, and natural vibrations through massage sessions.
The Qigong and Spiritual Healing Hands can be done in many different ways, however, I do them on the massage table, on a massage floor mat, in a warm swimming pool and on the beach. This Energy Healing promotes the healing of your entire body for any chronic pain and rebalances the body back to feeling like you are a brand new person.
(up to 3 hours)